Welcome to the most comprehensive certification programme
in UX and usability

The knowledge and skills you need, the industry recognition you deserve

From beginner to experienced UX professional

We want to help you become a recognised UX professional. Drawing from international standards and authored by experts in the field of UX and usability, our Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience (CPUX) programme offers education and certification for all UX professionals, regardless of experience.

Start your UX journey with certification in our Foundation in Human-Centred Design or Essentials in UX and HCD Management, before extending your skills and building your knowledge through our advanced-level certifications in User Requirements Engineering, Designing Solutions, and Usability Testing and Evaluation.

Why choose CPUX?


certified professionals


recognised training providers


state-of-the-art UX curricula


upcoming training courses

Training and certification for UX professionals

Choose your area of study to find a recognised training provider, training dates and locations, and details on how you can gain this internationally recognised certification.

Foundation in Human-Centred Design

Learn about the foundations of UX and usability, the key terms, concepts and processes that are fundamental to working on human-centred design projects.

Foundation level certification is appropriate for anyone who wants to become familiar with the fundamentals of usability.

Advanced Level

User Requirements Engineering

Learn how to identify and manage user requirements, from the planning and implementation of user research methods to the specification and prioritisation of user requirements.

Building on the Foundation level certification, User Requirements Engineering is appropriate for anyone interested in representing the needs of users in development projects.

Advanced Level

Designing Solutions

Learn how to translate user requirements into design solutions, from conceptual models and information architecture, to interaction design and prototyping, to interface and sensory design.

Exploring concepts introduced in our Foundation level certification in far greater detail, CPUX-DS also considers specific human needs, such as accessibility, design ethics and cultural diversity. If you are actively involved in designing interactive systems, Designing Solutions is the perfect certification for you.

Advanced Level

Usability Testing and Evaluation

Learn how to evaluate user interfaces, with users in usability tests, through usability inspections and by user surveys. Extending the knowledge and skills introduced in CPUX-F, you will discover in depth, how to plan, conduct, analyse and report on the findings of a usability test.

If you are passionate about ensuring the projects you are involved in have a high level of usability, our Usability testing and evaluation certification is ideal for you.

Training and certification in UX management

Essentials in UX and HCD Management

Learn how you can convey the importance and impact of UX to your stakeholders in this introduction to user experience and human-centred design management.

Throughout, you will discover lots of practical tips and approaches for how to advocate for UX in your organisation. You will understand how to communicate appropriately to senior management and your wider project team, and you will learn many important aspects of UX leadership

If you want to improve the human-centred design maturity of your organisation – whether you are a UX consultant, a UX manager or a product owner – Essentials in UX and HCD Management is the certification for you.

How do I get certified?

Certification is by passing an exam based on the content of the curriculum you have just studied. The exam questions are written by us but they are carried out by one of our independent exam providers, who between them operate across the globe, meaning you can take an exam pretty much anywhere.  The process is very straightforward:

  1. Decide where to start
    Choose one of our certifications – from foundation to advanced level – based on the parts of the human-centred design process you are interested in.

    (You do need to have passed the Foundation in Human-centred Design (CPUX-F) exam before you can take any advanced-level CPUX certification, so your decision may have been made for you! No prior certification is needed to study CPUX-M, but we do recommend at least looking through the CPUX-F curriculum.)
  2. Learn your stuff
    Book a training course with one of our recognised training providers, or, if you prefer to pace yourself you can self-study. Whilst we recommend attending a training course, due to the additional, valuable insight you will get from your training, all our curricula are completely free and available and contain everything you need to pass your exam.
  3. Choose a certification exam provider
    If you attend a training course, your course administrator might already have helped you organise your exam; if you are studying by yourself, you just need to register with one of our independent certification providers.
  4. Take the certification exam
    You can take the exam in person (if that is what your training provider has organised), remotely via a special exam app, or at a Pearson test centre. All certifications include a theoretical exam, advanced levels also include a practical exam.
  5. Tell the world you are a UX professional
    After you have passed the exam, get on LinkedIn and tell everyone you are a Certified Professional in UX and usability.
  6. Choose your next CPUX certification…
    Once you have got your CPUX-F certificate you can take the advanced-level courses in any order, so why not start with the one that looks the most useful to you?

These people are all CPUX certified – why not join them?

Don’t take our word for it, listen to people who have studied CPUX

Gaining the CPUX-F certification has significantly benefited my career. Despite my prior experience, the certification introduced new, specific concepts that I could directly implement on my client’s projects to create better UX/UI solutions. CPUX-F is an international certification, which helps me in working remotely with international clients. I highly recommend CPUX-F to those looking to deepen their expertise in usability and user experience.

Paola Vilatela Cantero

The CPUX-M training course was very effective in teaching the language and basics of the UX management world.

Tyll Riedel

CPUX standards on nomenclature and implementation act as a beacon in the thicket of differing and ever-changing opinions on various UX topics. I like to advise my clients on the common basis of UX understanding according to CPUX to avoid misunderstandings and always deliver high quality.

Joachim Winkler
Elvi Nissen
Elvi R. Nissen
Personal Member of the UXQB

About the UXQB

The International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board (UXQB) is an international board of volunteers with combined centuries of experience in usability and user experience. Through the curricula that we produce, and the certification process we have established, we hope to bring a shared understanding to UX professionals around the world. Our curricula are relevant, well-structured, and based on recognised international standards; they are regularly updated and will always be completely free to access.

The latest news from the UXQB

MAY 29, 2023

dotSource is accredited as another training provider for the CPUX certification program

The International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board (UXQB) is pleased to have dotSource in Germany as a new recognised training provider for the “Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience (CPUX)” certification program…

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MAY 29, 2023

TesterYou is accredited as another training provider for the CPUX certification program

The International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board (UXQB) is pleased to announce TesterYou in Istanbul, Turkey, as a new recognized training provider for the “Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience (CPUX)” certification program…

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MAY 29, 2023

We have updated the CPUX-F curriculum

Version 3 of the CPUX-F curriculum has remained unchanged for just over three years. Over the last 18 months, the UXQB’s CPUX-F working group has developed an improved, updated version of the curriculum based on analysis of thousands of certifications, feedback from international training providers…

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